After today's introduction to the second year of the course and module briefing, we split off into groups to conduct a study task. In our groups, we devised two versions of a design process. The first sheet was filled with as many parts of the process as possible and the second sheet was much more organised and strict.
On the first sheet, we went about making the process as meticulous as possible, listing every detail to the collective process. We listed everything thinkable from getting out of bed to having a morning beverage to arriving at the destination and so on. We kept it quite light hearted because that is how we agreed we all work best through our processes as young designers. Part of my process is to constantly remind myself to not get too overly stressed and to just take things with a pinch of salt. I think that being flexible and laid back is the key to producing your best work and that is something that is integral to my process as a practising student of graphic design. It was very interesting doing this group process, because I discovered that a lot of people have very different processes to myself. That is what I enjoy about being on the course, you get to work and interact with people who approach the briefs in many varied ways and I constantly find myself learning from my peers.
The study task asked us to create a rough infographic diagram which illustrated our 'design process' as a group of students. We broke our second sheet down into five key areas, and below the key areas there are several components that make up the entire design process. So we had, BRIEF> RESEARCH> INITIAL IDEA/CONCEPT GENERATION> DEVELOPMENT> PRODUCTION. We all identified the need to constantly be critical in our evaluation of the work we are doing and to always ask yourself exactly why it is you are doing the thing you are doing throughout the development of the project. We thought that a few nice illustrations would support our list like structure well. Personally I think we should have designed our process more like a flowchart or something along those lines, however I and the group all agreed that lists are more easy to follow and interpret.
Other groups took similar approaches in terms of describing the process as a set of steps, rather strict and pretty efficient. At first I didn't think I would be able to follow these models but after sitting through the group presentations I saw how relatable and logical some of the processes are. I found it interesting that each group shared many similarities. It just goes to show that as a collective group of students we all go through similar processes in order to complete set briefs, but at the same time, we all do things slightly differently to suit our needs and creative voices.
This group shared similar processes to mine, and their main emphasis was on asking WHY all of the time, which I thought was really good. Always going back to WHY greatly improves and informs the design process in my opinion.
Further examples of design process info-graphics found on various design blogs:
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