Tuesday 5 January 2016

OUGD504 - Brief 04 - Production Considerations

Throughout this brief, it was important to consider the relationships I would have in a commercial context with other creatives such as web developers, other graphic designers and of course the record labels and the artist. One of the most important design production elements to take into consideration wireframing. Wireframes essentially act as a template or blue print for a website. They indicate to other designers and web developers where content is intended to appear on a website. They are also essential in communicating hierarchy of content, ultimately shaping the end users experience of the site. 

Another large consideration to take into account was type. A fair percentage of typefaces are not websafe, meaning they were not originally designed or intended to be viewed on a web browser. Web safe fonts are fonts that are pre-installed by many operating systems. While not all systems have the same fonts installed, you can use a web safe font stack to choose several fonts that look similar, and are installed on the various systems that you want to support. If you want to use fonts other than ones pre-installed, as of CSS3, you can use Web Fonts. The fonts I chose to use throughout my website are thankfully websafe, which I was really pleased about. 

Other very relevant production considerations that I took were:

-Screen dimensions - I looked at the most commonly used screen dimensions 
-Screen resolutions
-Colour space, RGB
-Various web browsers
-Mobile device dimensions

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