Saturday, 28 November 2015

OUGD503 - Brief 01 - Monotype Brief Considerations


For a brief of this nature, it is important to consider a number of factors that will be fundamental in striking an appropriate tone of voice. This brief is extremely open, meaning I am able to interpret it however I see suitable. This excites me a lot but also makes me realise that I need to strategically consider a number of things:

Product: Posters, leaflets, campaign website, badges, banners, GIFs and web banners, tote bags

Range: The posters and leaflets will be printed on cheap, coloured stock and distributed by post. They can also be printed from a personal printer by people who choose to support the campaign. The set of badges will come in a range of colours, slogans and typefaces

Distribution: Posters will appear across urban environments and can also be downloaded and posted where ever people decide. The leaflets will appear in schools, offices, public places, anywhere that people can easily access them and take them away. The website will be public and available on desktop and mobile devices. GIFs and web banners will appear across a number of websites, including news sites, blogs and social media sites. The campaign will have social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The badges will be available to order for free from the website, and will also be available to purchase from charity shops and vintage clothing shops, as this is where badges are commonly found nowadays. 

Target audience: I see the main target audience of this campaign as being men and women aged between 15 and 30. It is a broad range, but I feel that 15 is a good age to educate people about the real dangers of labelling. Up until this age, boys and girls will have labelled others and experienced labelling themselves, but at 15, they should begin to understand the consequences and effects of using negative labels. Anyone older that 15 should know this, but will still need educating on the negativity badges bring. 

Tone of voice: Witty, playful but underpinned by a serious message. I will aim to be as direct and neutral as possible in order to avoid sounding condescending. 

Think about:
·what you want to say and how you want to say it -  the concept:
·I am interested in equality particularly/recently for transgender people. There have been stories
in the news recently which have upset me concerning trans issues
·Labelling sexuality to me is something of the past, we need to be more open minded and
progressive, younger generations are throwing away labels and I think this is a positive step in
the right direction. I would like to produce a campaign which tackles these issues
-I want to spread a positive message about abandoning all labels and stereotypes, not just those surrounding sexual orientation. I think labelling is an incredibly damaging presence in society and needs to be challenged for good
·I don’t like it when people post ill-informed content on social media, especially Facebook –
think before you type sort of thing, be more aware of your online persona/presence, do your
research before you rant, no one wants to hear it
·where you should or could say it – posters, social media platforms, publishing
·how you might use type to improve your message, to initiate change, or to motivate and

Those passionate about a cause, those who want to be more passionate about a cause, or those with ideas on how a cause can reach more people or be more impactful with the right typeface.

I am going to be addressing the general public in the UK, society as a whole. I realise that this is a very open and wide target audience, but I have noticed that campaigns of a similar nature tend to try and broaden their reach/scope by appealing to mass audiences. 

·You can pick anything from a global topic to a local or personal issue.
·Think about the world of your cause and those already active within it. What means do they have to join you? Do they have digital access or would a predominantly analogue response be more fitting? What materials are related to the cause? What methods?
·Think about the right typeface for the right cause. The typeface itself can become part of the message or the story – its origins, its history, and how you choose to use it – as much as or more than the words themselves.
·Design for protest can be visceral as response time is short. Protest is both active and reactive. By its nature, its messages are often hurried, scrawled and raw. This translates digitally too, into transmissions that are often quick and immediate. How does this affect your cause or movement? What kind of typeface would suit this type of messaging? How would a typeface enhance its impact?
·Remember your end goal. Make it bold. Make it powerful. Make a difference.

A typography-led integrated graphic design campaign including:
·At least one poster
·At least one digital element: GIF, animation, short video, a campaign website
·At least one other touch-point: bus banner, leaflets, stickers, badges, tote bags, t-shirts, phone cases etc. Further touch-points could include: banners, badges, moving image ads, newspaper ads, website banners or other online promotions – anything that could raise awareness and get people engaged. The more innovative the better.
·Show how your output is relevant to your cause alongside your execution.
·Whatever applications you choose, use only type as the major creative expression for your cause.
·Your executions must be visually linked to one another so that they can be easily recognised as part of the same movement.

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