Sunday, 15 May 2016

OUGD505 - Brief 02 - Conceptual Link

Subway is a highly successful fast food chain that promotes 'healthy eating'. In my view, a lot of the food on offer at Subway is in fact Junk Food, packaged to seem fresh and healthy. Their logo features a very heavy, black typeface which is similar to Helvetica. I personally don't mind their logo, I just disagree with the brand image. I wanted to embed a conceptual, critical message within my poster campaign, and I realised I could do this through appropriate typographic treatment and layout of imagery. I came across a wonderful typeface called Druk wide, which is similar to the type used on the subway logo for 'eat fresh'. I think that this is a great strap-line for the business and is something that I am actually trying to achieve in my the branding for the real junk food project. I want to change peoples preconceived notions about waste food meals. Using a slogan such as 'eat fresh' would obviously contradict the main process of the real junk food project, but if I use a typeface which conceptually links to the subway slogan and logo, then this could add an element of complexity and intelligent to my design campaign. 

I experimented with Druk Wide, stretching and condensing it to visually represent notions of waste and expansion of this waste. I used it to communicate the main slogan of the real junk food project which is: 'Feed bellies, not bins'. This conceptual link between the two food businesses is very subtle but I think it is intelligent and highly appropriate considering the context. 

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