Thursday, 19 May 2016

OUGD505 - Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution Considerations

What is the 'product?'

Essentially, the branding/identity for the cafes and restaurants as well as an integrated Guerilla style print campaign are the products of this brief.

Who am I aiming the work at?

Large groups within society who are probably uneducated about these issues. I want to target people who are perhaps slightly unaware of the extent of our problems and are unaware of the power they have to actually instigate positive change.

Why am I aiming at them?

Because the issues effect them whether they are concious of this or not. In order to tackle these unprecedented issues, we must come together and work collectively to try and solve them. That is my my graphic design for this brief must appeal to people from all backgrounds and ages. I will be primarily targeting parents, who will pass down the information to their children, young couples and singles. The campaign will of course also appeal to an older demographic, but I feel that people who are slightly older are already pretty food smart. I realise this is generational assumption, but there is definitely some truth to it. I feel that younger demographics, especially people of my age are not that good when it comes to saving food. We definitely take things for granted and often choose to dismiss or ignore the negative impacts that our actions have.

What is the range of the product?

Once the logo and general aesthetic for the branding is established, I will begin considering the range of the products. I already know that I want to produce a range of posters, leaflets, flyers and so on, as well as letterheads, banners, flags and additional printed materials. I want to produce some nice t-shirt designs as well as tote bags, because I feel these are on trend and would definitely appeal and attract a younger demographic. Digitally, I will be mocking up a desktop website which could be translated into a mobile version. An interactive app could also support these digital platforms. A social media presence would also be closely linked with the website.

How will they be distributed?

I pondered for a long time about the best way of distributing the diverse number of products that I wanted to design and produced for this brief. The most efficient way I saw of distributing them to the widest range of people was in the form of a ‘Food Smart’ start kit, which could be picked up either in one of the many Pay As You Feel Cafe’s or ordered online and sent in the post free of charge. The starter kit includes a zine which features food saving tips and left-over recipes. The zine functions to introduce the target audience to the cause and the surround issues. It also includes small flashcards which can be stuck up around the kitchen as reminders to be as conscious as possible when buying, preparing, consuming and storing food. It also includes a food smart shopping list template, which is designed to help me get smarter when shopping for food products in a grocery store. A range of flyer’s and A3 posters would also be included in the pack, encouraging people to paste them where ever they want, spreading the campaign in a Guerrilla fashion. To me, the starter kit would be the best way of distributing the products and raising awareness of the cause. People can also access information through the newly designed website and engage using the hashtags included on the printed materials.

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