Friday, 6 May 2016

OUGD505 - Brief 02 - Feedback Session

Today we did an informal anonymous feedback session in the studio with a group of 15 students. We were encouraged to write an explanatory sentence about our 505 project and ask a range of relevant, targeted questions to get the most out of the feedback session.

I described my current research/design direction as follows: 'I am aiming to raise awareness about global food waste impacts and ways of tackling the associated issues. As a part of my practical development, I will be creating a high impact identity/branding for the Real Junk-food Project which is distributed across the UK. The charity operates a number of 'pay as you feel' restaurants which take food from supermarkets and restaurants which is about to go off and turns it into really tasty, edible meals'

I then asked three questions which were:

'Which age demographic do you think I should be aiming my campaign at specifically and why?

What sort of tone of voice do I need to adopt to make a big impact and send out a successful message?

Should the aesthetic reflect the content and context or should I try to re-purpose the content through clean, slick aesthetics?


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